Saturday, September 17, 2011

Fork you!

A few months ago I was trying everything to keep the cats out of the garden. On some forum or blog, someone had suggested planting plastic forks, tines up, in the soil. "WHAT A GREAT IDEA!" I thought. And I did just that... shoved probably 300 little forks into the ground.

They totally didn't work (but THE SCARECROW did!). The garden is huge and overgrown, and there are no more walkways through it... the plants have overgrown every possible way through and around. So I find myself walking through one of the beds that has a tiny bit of space along it, only it's loaded with little fork landmines! I can't tell you how many tines I've snapped off, and I'm sure it's only luck that I haven't been forked through the foot yet. Now I shuffle through, barely lifting my feet. Kind of like you're supposed to do in the ocean for avoiding stingrays.

Gardening. I'm pretty sure we're doing it wrong, but it's been fun :D

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